1. Which beads are best for cords?
As equal as possible! I recommend Japanese beads – they are even, they have large holes – they are easy to thread. Czech is also close to being perfect. The more even the beads, the more pleasant it is to work. Uneven beads only build up frustration, especially when learning. (…)
2. Which bead size should you choose for your first rope?
Relatively big. 6/0 or 4mm are best for learning, but I think they are a bit too big to be a bracelet, for example. Therefore, I would choose the size 8/0, i.e. 3mm – in a minimum of two or three colours.
3. What crochet hook?
Matched to the thread. I personally crochet with a 1mm or 0.85mm.
4. How to choose threads for ropes?
The threads should be un-stretchable and strong, such that we cannot break in our hands. I also choose them in colour – white thread for light beads, black thread for dark beads. If you do not know which thread colour will suit your cord – make samples and compare. The threads will break when worn only when the beads have sharp edges.
5. How can beads be threaded efficiently?
Threading beads is a time-consuming and least liked process, especially with cords with a complicated sequence. Craft mats or felt sheets are ideal for threading – the beads do not escape so easily. A long needle also speeds up the threading process. And for those who like gadgets, Beadalon offers the Mini Spin-N-Bead Loader – unfortunately, it only thread single-color or sequential cords.
6. What are the names of those metal ends that you use in your work and how to choose them according to the size of the rope?
These are End Caps for sticking onto ropes / cords. As the name suggests, they are mounted on the ends of the rope with glue. However, when it comes to choosing the diameter of the ends, it is enough to measure the diameter of the finished string and add plus or minus 1-2 mm. Experience has shown that the cords for 6 beads in a row of 3mm beads have a tip with a diameter of approx. 8.5-9mm, and for the cords for 6 beads in a row of 2mm beads, approx. 6.5-7mm. It’s best to arm yourself with different sizes!
7. Is there any other way to finish the ropes than gluing on an End Cap?
Of course – you can also use a Bead Cap matched with the diameter of the larger hole to the diameter of the rope. You will also need Eye Pins with a loop that are hooked under the threads at the ends of the string. We put a spacer bead on it and make another loop (see the picture below for details). Just attach the clasp and it’s ready. You can also make a bracelet without a clasp – bangle type – by carefully stitching the ends of the cords.
8. How many beads do you need for a bracelet? Does the size of the beads matter?
The size of the beads does not matter! The number of centimetres of beads strung on the thread counts. The calculator looks like this: the number of beads in a row x the number of cm we want to get = the number of cm of beads to be threaded. For example: a bracelet for 6 beads in a row with a length of 15 cm requires 90 cm of strung beads – i.e. about 300 beads 3mm, i.e. less than 10g.
9. Does the number of beads in a row have an influence?
Yes. First of all, the thickness of the rope, as well as its flexibility and flexibility. The fewer beads in a row, the more flexible the string is. However, with 3-4 beads in a row, a thread is visible. However, the strings above 10 beads are very stiff and for a bracelet – I do not recommend it. Of course, the number of beads in a row also affects the number of beads used and the speed at which work arrives.
10. How to make a bracelet with a convex spiral pattern?
Use different size beads. The technique remains the same
11. If about patterns – how to create your own pattern?
You can create your own pattern with the help of a free, extremely intuitive program in two language versions (in German) available for download here: http://www.brunoldsoftware.ch/dbb.html
12. At the beginning, everything becomes tangled, resembles a random “raspberry” made of beads – what should I do?
There is a remedy for this! After the first row, try to put a pencil / brush / other crochet hook into the centre of the circle – something around which you can freely crochet, it should help.
13. I have not laid enough beads, can you do anything about it?
There are two ways – usually I try to unwind as much thread as I anticipate and thread the beads from the end. You can also cut the thread and tie another one, and hide the knot inside the bead or string.
14. I made a mistake in the sequence, do I have to start again?
You don’t have to! If you added too few beads, you can cut the thread, add the missing beads and tie the threads, and hide the knot inside the bead or string. On the other hand, if you added too many beads – take a flat nose pliers and gently crush the bead with sensitivity, be careful – shards of glass can be dangerous, especially for your eyes!
Weronika has prepared a collection of patterns she tested – you can find it on her blog: http://koralikowaweraph.blogspot.com/p/wzory-sznurow-szydekowo-koralikowych.html