HADDONFIELD, NJ — Downtown Haddonfield previously invited women to shop the latest in fall fashion and fare at its Girls Night Out event. But then it thought: why limit it to an after-hours event?
So on Oct. 15, Downtown Haddonfield will host Girls’ Day Out, an all-day shopping event that will run from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Many of the town’s shops will offer the latest autumn fashion and gifts while restaurants offer the tastiest fall fare, the group said in announcing the event. Shoppers will enjoy in-store promotions, specials, discounts, and more.
“We’re thrilled to announce the extension of this much-anticipated fall event to an all-day shopping experience, and welcome everyone to shop, dine, and discover our beautiful Downtown,” Partnership for Haddonfield Retail Recruiter Remi Fortunato said.
Shops along Kings Highway and Haddonfield’s side streets — which include Mechanic Street, Ellis Street, Tanner Street, Haddy Lane, Kings Court, and Haddon Avenue — will participate. One shop may feature great percentages off your entire purchase; another could have a BOGO or half-off specials, and yet another store may be hosting enter-to-win contests.
Shoppers will be required to wear face coverings inside. They should be worn outside when shoppers can’t adhere to the social distancing guidelines as set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Hand sanitizing protocols should be practiced.
For more information and the most up-to-date list of participating businesses for Girls’ Day Out, visit DowntownHaddonfield.com.
This article originally appeared on the Haddonfield-Haddon Township Patch