10 Signs Of Insecure Coworkers Around You

Coworkers who lack confidence are a pain to deal with since they complicate your tasks, and, if you’re not careful, their negativity could spread to you. The keys to dealing with insecure coworkers are being able to recognise the tell-tale signs of insecure coworkers and avoiding becoming engaged in their drama.

Here are 10 signs of insecure coworkers that you should watch out for:

They Work Very Hard To Impress Their Boss

Being cordial with the employer is one tactic used by those who are uneasy about their jobs or even their positions to hide their indiscretions. They might just flat-out suck up to them, perform extra tasks that were not requested of them, or generally try to brag.

While having ambition, wanting to perform well, or showing that you’re trying your best are all positive traits, if someone is being overly ambitious, it may be a sign that they’re covering up the fact that they’re not performing well.

They Engage In Gossip About Other People

Detest talking behind people’s backs at work, engaging in backstabbing, and any other type of gossiping.

People who are insecure frequently engage in gossip because it makes them feel better about themselves. They feel better about their fears by criticising or disparaging other individuals. This is one of those signs of insecure coworkers which can be seen in almost every corporate environment across the world.

You should definitely avoid that because it’s harmful behaviour that can easily get out of hand and harm relationships among coworkers.

They Feel Envious Of Others

When others are successful, insecure people typically find it difficult to accept it, especially if they believe the other person to be in a comparable position to them in the organisational structure.

They won’t celebrate that person’s success; instead, they will become envious and may even try to undermine that person.

It’s a distasteful characteristic that can harm relationships and foster a hostile environment at work.

They Always Seek Assurance Before Making Decisions

One of the most blatant signs of insecure coworkers is someone who constantly seeks validation from others.

This is particularly true for coworkers who frequently seek the advice of their peers because they lack the independence to make decisions on their own.

They act in this manner because they lack confidence in their own judgement and because they want someone else to take the fall if something goes wrong.

It’s acceptable to assist a coworker, but it’s not okay to put yourself in danger by accepting the blame.

Always Seem To Be Under Pressure

It’s not very surprising when someone appears stressed out at work, and while insecurity isn’t always the case, it’s a strong indicator that someone may be. Coworkers who are insecure usually doubt their talents and selves, which causes them to be under a lot of stress. Their stress levels may increase as a result of them taking on too much work, being reluctant to ask for help, or taking on too much yourself.

Ask a coworker whether they need help if you see that they always appear stressed out; they may suddenly open up and say that they do.

They Have An Extreme Level Of Self-Criticism

People who are insecure tend to be very harsh on themselves.

This shows itself at work as a coworker who is constantly criticising their work and pointing out their own errors.

They might also make an effort to hide this tendency by being unfavourable in general and harsh with other people’s efforts.

It’s best to avoid agreeing or disagreeing with them because they may change your responses to fit the circumstance. So,  always choose to simply ignore any unfavourable criticism.

They’re Not Capable Of Handling Criticism Without Being Offended

Responding poorly to constructive criticism is another of the many sign of an insecure coworkers.

As a means of self-defense, they could become hostile, engage in conflict, or even act out.

They’ll do anything but pay attention to what you have to say and consider your argument from a neutral standpoint to see if it makes sense.

Working with someone who responds in this manner to criticism can be challenging, but it’s vital to keep in mind that their insecurity makes it hard for them to accept what you’re saying.

They Are All-about Blame Game

If someone is quick to point the finger at others because they don’t want to take accountability for their own acts, that is another telltale symptom of insecurity.

They might have made a mistake, not done their work well, or just generally caused a problem by not taking the initiative. Whatever the case, this may be the reason if a coworker consistently seeks out blame rather than owning up to their mistakes.

The Use Of Passive Aggression

Most passive-aggressive individuals have a secret. Instead of acknowledging their insecurity and seeking support, they act out. Perhaps a coworker is giving you unintentional compliments or you’re just being ignored. They can attempt to exclude you from a project or act very defensively. These are further indications of uneasy coworkers. Team members who engage in passive aggression are unclear about how to respond. From one minute to the next, they don’t know what to anticipate from their coworker. A hostile workplace might result from rude behaviour.


It might appear that something is acting in a totally opposite way. Although it doesn’t seem like someone who is insecure would brag, they do. People who are insecure tend to boast excessively in an effort to establish their superiority over others, at the very least. Not only are they attempting to persuade you, but they are also attempting to persuade themselves.

Again, in an effort to draw attention away from what they perceive to be their shortcomings, they are demanding and boastful.

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 Let’s be clear about this: having insecure coworkers may turn your working life into a nightmare.

They may not even be aware that they are doing it, but by making your job more challenging, their actions can seriously harm your mental health and well-being.

Additionally, if they are negatively impacting your work, it’s critical that their manager is made aware of the issue so that they can assist them as well.

If at all possible, keep your distance from them because their pessimistic outlook and the way they cope with their fears can be contagious.



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