4. Take Care of Themselves
Do you know what else confident men do? They respect themselves, which means they take care of themselves. They exercise and maintain their bodies. They eat well and are conscious of how they fuel themselves. They take care of their grooming to make sure that their appearance shows that they take care of themselves.
5. Confident Men Push Themselves
Okay, so the next trait of confident men is another sort of mindset. So, let’s say that you reach a milestone of some sort or that after working really hard at something or towards something, that you finally meet that goal. It could be anything. Like setting a personal record for running or cycling or lifting weights or getting some type of professional certification.
What do you do when you reach that goal?
Some guys will be like, I did that, I win. Done. But highly confident men will be like, okay, but how can I go even further?
Because confident men push themselves. They constantly want to be even better than they just were. And that is as soon as the goal is achieved, the mind is already thinking about what it’s going to take to get to the next level.
6. Thinking Positively
And that sort of thinking requires another kind of thinking, which is that confident men think positively. If you’re not believing that you can do something and thinking positively even if you fail, then you will not appear as confident. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
7. Open To Learning
Let me tell you something else about confident men. Confident men know that they don’t know everything. Which means that they have trait number seven–that they are open to learning…
8. Confident Men Ask Questions
…which also means that they possess trait number eight, that they are not afraid to ask questions. Think about it. If you don’t know how to do something, are you going to pretend that you know how to do it? Because if you’re, pretending you’re not going to feel very confident.
9. Don’t Need To Be Heard
You know when you’re at a party or with a big group of people and there’s that one guy who’s like: “Hey, everyone pay attention to me,” and “I’m talking the loudest so I’m important!” And also, “Ha, ha, ha, I’m going to make fun of you and make everyone laugh.”
Do you really think that guy is confident?
He may appear confident, but underneath all of that, that guy is super insecure. However, the confident guy displays trait number nine, which is that he doesn’t need to be heard.
Guys that are constantly talking loudly and trying to get you to listen to them almost has the opposite effect. Like, you’ve got all this stuff coming at you that you kind of don’t hear anything at all, you just start to tune it out, because nothing means anything. But when the confident guy who doesn’t really say much finally says something . . . you listen.
10. Confident Men Don’t Please Everyone
Let me just pose a hypothetical situation here…
So let’s say there’s this guy who, like, nine years ago started a men’s style blog. And over time that became successful. There’s an Instagram account. There’s even a YouTube channel. And there are lots of people who like what he does, they like him.
But then there are some people who freaking hate him. Like, despise. Even to the point of giving every new video a thumbs down within 10 seconds of it being posted. But you know what? That guy with this website and Instagram and YouTube channel? Well, he doesn’t care, because he knows that he cannot please everyone.
If you’re trying to please everyone, you’re watering down your message and what you stand for. Successful brands. Successful and confident guys have haters. The pagans make you stronger.
So don’t try to please everyone. You’ll be more confident, more powerful, and more successful once you realize that not everyone’s going to love you.
Bottom Line
I know that I’ve used myself as an example for a few of these 10 traits that we’ve been talking about. And you might think that because of that, that I am a supremely confident person all of the time. But what I want you to know is that that is not the case. And thinking about these things is something that I do over and over again to work on my own confidence.
The point is, that confidence and learning to be more confident is something that you can develop. Nobody has all of these traits without working on them and putting in some effort. And knowing myself I would say that if I can do it, I definitely know that you can too.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
Stylishly Yours,
Brian Sacawa
He Spoke Style
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