This is the first of my new weekly (or perhaps bi-weekly, or maybe monthly) blog posts, where I’m just going to talk away about what I’ve been up to.
I’m becoming increasingly aware of just how toxic social media can be, especially over this past week, as there’s been some amazing highs, but also some things I’ve seen on facebook and instagram that have frankly just made me feel rubbish. So, at the moment, I’m kind of thinking that I need to find other means of reaching out to all my lovely jewellery clients and workshop participants, and writing a regular update on here might be one of those avenues.
So, apart from submitting my tax return, here’s what’s been happening over the last week…
Last Sunday, Wendy ran a fantastic (sold out) stone setting workshop! I was working at my bench next door but could see how hard they all worked to create some beautiful stone set rings. They made very part by hand, including the bezel to hold the stone, before using a burnisher to (properly – no glue allowed in my studio!) set the stone.
I ran two wedding ring workshops last week! In Monday’s workshop, we made a very highly polished yellow gold ring and a textured white gold one, then on Saturday, we melted down the groom to he’s grandmother’s 22 carat wedding ring and combined it with some new recycled rose gold casting grain. We weren’t entirely sure what colour the gold ingot was going to turn out, but they were both very happy with the gorgeous rose gold colour it ended up as.
Group workshops at The Studio are also selling well and along with my team of amazing tutors, I’m working on hopefully having them running every Sunday.
It’s been and exciting week of press coverage for The Studio over the last week, as on Monday, The Forest Review (local newspaper) came to visit and take photos at the end of the workshop, and then on Tuesday we were on the Anna King show on BBC Radio Gloucestershire!! Thank you sooooo much to Rowan and Caroline who very kindly agreed to be part of both items, talking about their day of ring making.
Exhibition News
I very rarely do outside exhibitions these days. Probably because I’m usually so busy working on commissions that I don’t get time to make any extra work, but I have committed to taking part in the Severn Sisters exhibition at 7Q Gallery in Chepstow in March. We had a meeting about it all on Wednesday (at a cafe on a big yellow double decker bus!) and plans are coming together nicely.
Commissions and new work
Because of everything else I’ve just talked about, here hasn’t been as much time at my own bench as I would have liked over the last week, but I did send off one finished ring to it’s new home, and have been continuing to work on another set, both entirely remodelled from the clients old jewellery. I’Ve also done a couple of small repair/resize jobs.
BCorp Progress
Well, I’ve answered a few more questions on the initial assessment form. Hoping I get to spend a bit more time on it this week!
Coming up…
New Beginners Course – Now the days are starting to get a bit longer, Wendy and I are getting ready to start teaching the new beginners silver jewellery course. This will run for 8 weeks, starting on Wednesday 2nd March, and as it’s a joint effort, you’ll get two jewellers brains to pick for the price of one!
Group Workshops – The next group workshop is Stone Set Pendants on the 20th Feb. There’s a couple of places left, and as always it’s suitable for complete beginners.