Warning: This post contains graphic language and description of violence
It’s been five years since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris hotel back in 2016, and now, one of the five suspects involved is speaking out about that night — in a tell-all book. Yep, according to Page Six, Yunice Abbas is set to release his new book called, J’ai Séquestré Kim Kardashian or I Sequestered Kim Kardashian, in early February where he chronicles his involvement in the events that took place. It should be noted that Abbas is currently awaiting trial for said crime, so how and why he was allowed to write this book, we’re not really sure. An excerpt of the book was published by Closer, and the text includes some graphic and disturbing details about the violent hotel heist.
In the book, Abbas recalls breaking into the Hotel de Pourtalès suite Kim was staying at during Paris Fashion Week disguised as police officers. That was when the group of robbers burst into the Keeping Up With the Kardashian star’s room and tied and gagged her before taking $10 million worth of her jewelry (including her engagement ring) before they escaped.
In a perhaps even more sinister move, Abbas mocks Kim for desperately trying to call 911 for help, despite the emergency number in France being 112. “Not very efficient when you are in Paris,” he jokes. Additionally, Abbas claimed that he and his accomplices were able to enter Kardashian’s suite thanks to the help of elderly accomplices who were able to be present on the scene without suspicion.
“What’s more reassuring than the elderly, who are as peaceful as they are anonymous, to gather a maximum of information on scene,” Abbas writes. According to the thief, Kim eventually “complied” with the thieves after she realized they were not “threatening her life.”
While Abbas seemingly executed the entire operation calmly, he revealed that there was one moment that made him stop in his tracks, and was star-struck. After swiping the reality star’s phone and exiting her suite he noticed singer Tracy Chapman’s name pop up as an incoming call. “At the moment that I heard a police car, the sound of the phone made me jump,” he writes. “To my incredulous eyes, a name appeared on the phone’s screen. It’s not possible. I must be hallucinating.”
We can’t even begin to imagine how it must feel to be Kim Kardashian and have your trauma published for everyone to read and are sending her so much love.
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